  • Wollishofen
  • Zürich
  • Switzerland
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Electric Emma is a science teacher with over 10 years of experience teaching science to children and young adults from pre-school to college around the world.  In addition to her Spark Science workshops, camps and science birthday parties all based on STEM concepts (Science, Technology, Engineering Arts and Mathematics) she has now prepared a Science Discovery Kit with 7 science experiments along with downloadable written and video instructions to perform while weathering the Corona Virus at home.  

Electric Emma explains how to perform each experiment and the science theory behind it!

Make bath bombs, lava lamps, magnetic density bottles, magnetic mazes, ferrofluid, Squiddy and pop rockets!

The kit contains all the items you really need for each experiment and requires a few things most people already have a home including: a bowl, spoon, scissors, colouring pens,  scotch tape, permanent marker pen, empty PET bottles, food coloring (optional), and a flashlight (optional).

Each experiment lasts between 10-30 minutes.

The kit includes an additional challenge task so that the children can take their skills a step further and turn it into a real experiment with new discoveries!

The experiments are designed to be performed with the assistance of an adult, however depending on the age of the children they can also be performed without supervision.  The videos with step-by-step directions for each experiment can be easily followed by children and adults.  

The kit costs CHF 50 and can be purchased here!  

Supply is limited due to the unavailablity of supplies during this period

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