  • Weberstrasse 21
  • 8004 Zürich
  • Switzerland

Are you a parent looking for a fun and educational activity for your teenager? 

Look no further than our coding classes at Codora! Our crash course in programming is the perfect opportunity for teens to explore the exciting world of coding and see if it's the right fit for them.

Whether your teen has always been curious about what a programmer does, or simply wants to try something new, our classes provide a supportive and engaging environment for learning.

Using the professionally-used programming language Swift, our instructors will guide your teen through the fundamentals of programming and help them create their own projects.

Join us and discover the endless possibilities of programming with our crash course for teens.

Loved by Kids [01] Loved by Parents [01]
Loved by Kids Loved by Parents
codora .ch
(from Google Reviews:) I had the pleasure of attending a fantastic beginner's course here with my daughter. As someone who has been working in IT for years, I learned a lot of new information about a topic that was almost entirely unfamiliar to me. It may sound like the father who plays with his children's toy trains, but my daughter was also very enthusiastic and interested! ;-) The course was well-designed and the time well-utilized, and the content was conveyed in a way that was easily understandable for all attendees.