Survival Guide to New Parents ...and Winning Our Giveaway!

New Mom Survival Guide

As a new mom, you're about to embark on the wildest, messiest, and most rewarding adventure of your life. But don't worry, you're not alone! We've got your back with our ultimate new mom survival guide.

 Our survival guide includes tips on everything from feeding, the baby and yourself, to baby-proofing and self-care.  We've even thrown in some product recommendations to make your life easier. As a special treat, we're running a giveaway on Instagram until May 14th, Mother's Day so you can win all our recommendations to make your new mom journey a little smoother. Head over to our Instagram page now to enter and good luck!

Clean, clean, clean, or not?

All you do is clean, right? Wrong! Get yourself some new technology to help you out. Dishwasher, robot vacuum, and handheld vacuum are the new best friends of new moms. Don’t forget to keep your shoes and stroller outside, or use shower caps to cover the wheels before bringing them inside.   Remember even Marie Condo has no expectations to stay tidy and organised when kids come along.  A bit of mess around the house means that you are focusing on the right thing, your family.  

Get messy carefree with Huske Mats. Giveaway special!

High-performance silicone leather mats are your new best friends! Designed in Switzerland and manufactured in Korea, these mats are food-safe, hypoallergenic, and anti-microbial. Unlike traditional mats, they won't keep odours or stains, so they’ll never be out of action. The entire family can use them to eat, play, and relax-on at home and outdoors.  Take a chance to win one as part of our of Mother's Day Giveaway.  

Prioritise self-care as a new mom

Taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your baby. Make time for self-care, whether it's taking a bubble bath, or just taking a few minutes to read a book. You'll feel better and be more energised to take care of your baby. Don't forget to also prioritise sleep, exercise, and healthy eating. It can be challenging to find time for these things, but they are essential for your physical and mental health. Remember, you can't pour from an empty cup so accept help from family and friends, and take breaks whenever possible to avoid burnout.

Feel fresh and rash-free with pure Pioupiou Cosmetics for baby and mama.  Giveaway special!

Nappy rashes or eczema on your baby's delicate skin can be treated with non-toxic products with pure ingredients, like those produced by Pioupiou. The Pioupiou Soft Balm is a lifesaver for dry, irritated, or red skin caused by weather, teething, dryness from a cold, or if baby has cradle cap. Apply the balm smoothly, and you'll witness its magical effects. The Face Cream can be used daily on your child's skin to moisturize, protect, and maintain soft, supple skin. Pioupiou products aren't just for babies and kids; they're suitable for everyone in the family, including adults.  Both the Pioupiou Soft Balm and Cream for Baby are part of our of Mother's Day Giveaway!

Cook in batches

Your love-hate relationship with cooking just got better! Get yourself some single portion-sized tupperware and fill your freezer with ready-to-eat meals that you have prepared in batches beforehand. Next time you make pasta sauce, make four times the amount. Add your favorite toppings on pizza dough and pop it in the oven for an easy snack. Voila! You have three free cooking days!

Starting solids?  Have fresh & tasty baby food delivered straight to your door by Yamo. Giveaway special!

Save time and effort by getting fresh cold-pressed baby food from Yamo delivered at home. They have 100% natural organic ingredients, no added or hidden sugar, and are cold-pressed to preserve vitamins. They're also without concentrates or artificial nutrients, 100% plant-based, and with varied recipes developed by children's nutrition experts. If there are any leftovers, you can easily store the opened bag in... (drum roll) the fridge!

Discount: 20% off your first box order with Momizen20 at the online check-out of Yamo. 

For a chance to win a Yamo box with 24 products of your choice click here to enter our Mother's Day Giveaway!

Ensure you have a comfy spot to sleep in the children's room

Lack of sleep is every new mother's worst nightmare. Try putting a floor mattress in your children’s room. Babies and even older children will sleep faster and for longer periods if they feel your presence in the room. You won’t be sleeping in your own cozy bed, but you'll get some much-needed rest at a difficult time.

Do you also have an active toddler? Try Scissor-free crafts for the older kids that need minimal supervision by Loubiblu. Giveaway special!

Engaging your older kids in safe and easy crafts can give you an extra pair of hands while you attend to the baby. Stefanie at loubilou has designed safe craft kits that do not require scissors or sharp objects that can be dangerous for unsupervised toddlers or young kids. The crafts are easy for young children to assemble themselves and are a perfect activity to engage toddlers while you are busy feeding or putting the baby to sleep.   Take part in our  Mother's Day Giveaway to receive a kit at home!

Invest in a good baby carrier

Investing in a good baby carrier can help you keep your hands free while keeping your baby close. A carrier allows you to multitask, whether it's doing household chores or taking a walk outside.

Join a moms' group

Being a new mom can be isolating and overwhelming, but joining a moms' group can help you connect with other women going through similar experiences. It's a great way to share tips, vent frustrations, and feel less alone. Plus, you might make some lifelong friends along the way! Look for groups in your community or online, and don't be afraid to attend a meeting or two to see if it's the right fit for you.

Keep a stock of healthy snacks.

As a new mom, it can be hard to find time to eat a proper meal. Keeping a stock of healthy snacks like nuts, dried fruits, and protein bars can help you stay nourished and energised throughout the day.

"Tire up" the cupboards

Babies develop quickly, and before you know it, they begin to crawl and stand. They become curious and will explore by opening drawers and cabinets to discover little treasures. To keep them safe, store non-dangerous items in low drawers that are accessible to your children, such as pots, pans, and non-toxic chemicals. You can secure cabinets with risky items for babies by applying special locks or using tire ups that open and close. These are much cheaper but hold stronger and will not come off easily when pulled by a determined toddler.

Head over to our Instagram page before May 14th, Mother's Day in Switzerland, and follow the instructions in the giveaway post to enter for a chance to win some amazing products to make your mom journey even more magical.
Trust us, they are priceless compared to just having clean clothes and getting a good night's rest (even though those are still wonderful things to have).



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